Event Dates: November 11-16, 2024.
Event Location: JKIA, Nairobi.
The Council shall have a membership drawn from - The forces Memorial Hospital, Kenya air force, Kenyatta National Hospital, City council fire department and Ambulance, St John Ambulance, Ministry of Health representative, emergency and rescue squads and the general public...
The office bearers of the council who also form the executive committee are: The chairperson, The secretary, The treasurer and the Chairpersons of registered KCEMT branches. All of the above must be active members and are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the second year to be held not later than 31st March.
With the object of ensuring that the council's activity extends throughout the whole of Kenya, the National Executive Committee (NEC) establishes or authorize counties to establish Branches/Chapters, defining the territory allocated to each and delegating such responsibilities...
The Council hereby revokes the current Constitution of the Society and adopts the Constitution hereinafter set out to be the Constitution of the Kenya Council of Emergency Medical Technicians, superseding any other previous Constitutions and Rules of the Society with effect from the 1st day of July 2016;